
How To Find The Span Of Two Vectors

  1. Sympathize the equivalence between a system of linear equations and a vector equation.
  2. Larn the definition of Span { ten 1 , 10 2 ,..., x k } , and how to depict pictures of spans.
  3. Recipe: solve a vector equation using augmented matrices / decide if a vector is in a span.
  4. Pictures: an inconsistent system of equations, a consistent system of equations, spans in R two and R three .
  5. Vocabulary word: vector equation.
  6. Essential vocabulary word: span.

An equation involving vectors with due north coordinates is the same as n equations involving only numbers. For example, the equation

ten C 1 two half-dozen D + y C 1 two 1 D = C 8 xvi iii D

simplifies to

C x 2 x 6 x D + C y 2 y y D = C 8 16 iii D or C ten y two x 2 y 6 ten y D = C 8 16 iii D .

For two vectors to be equal, all of their coordinates must be equal, so this is merely the system of linear equations

East x y = 8 2 10 two y = 16 6 ten y = 3.


A vector equation is an equation involving a linear combination of vectors with possibly unknown coefficients.

Request whether or not a vector equation has a solution is the same as asking if a given vector is a linear combination of another given vectors.

For example the vector equation above is asking if the vector ( 8,16,3 ) is a linear combination of the vectors ( 1,2,vi ) and ( one,2, 1 ) .

The thing we really care almost is solving systems of linear equations, non solving vector equations. The whole point of vector equations is that they requite us a different, and more geometric, way of viewing systems of linear equations.

Figure ivA motion picture of the above vector equation. Endeavor to solve the equation geometrically by moving the sliders.

In gild to actually solve the vector equation

x C i ii 6 D + y C ane two 1 D = C 8 xvi 3 D ,

one has to solve the system of linear equations

E x y = 8 2 x 2 y = 16 6 x y = iii.

This means forming the augmented matrix

C 1 one eight two 2 16 6 1 3 D

and row reducing. Note that the columns of the augmented matrix are the vectors from the original vector equation, so it is non actually necessary to write the system of equations: ane can go direct from the vector equation to the augmented matrix by "smooshing the vectors together". In the following example we behave out the row reduction and detect the solution.


Recipe: Solving a vector equation

In general, the vector equation

x 1 5 one + x two 5 2 + ··· + x m v one thousand = b

where v 1 , 5 2 ,..., v g , b are vectors in R northward and x 1 , 10 2 ,..., ten thousand are unknown scalars, has the aforementioned solution set as the linear arrangement with augmented matrix

C ||| | five ane v two ··· v g b ||| | D

whose columns are the v i 's and the b 'due south.

Now nosotros have iii equivalent ways of thinking well-nigh a linear arrangement:

  1. As a system of equations:

    H 2 x ane + 3 x ii 2 x 3 = 7 x 1 10 2 3 x iii = 5

  2. Equally an augmented matrix:

    F 23 ii seven one 1 3 5 Chiliad

  3. As a vector equation ( 10 one v 1 + x ii v two + ··· + x northward v n = b ):

    x 1 F 2 one G + x ii F three 1 G + ten 3 F two 3 Thou = F vii v G

The third is geometric in nature: it lends itself to cartoon pictures.

Information technology volition be of import to know what are all linear combinations of a fix of vectors v 1 , v 2 ,..., v k in R due north . In other words, we would like to sympathize the set of all vectors b in R north such that the vector equation (in the unknowns x 1 , ten 2 ,..., x k )

x 1 v one + x two v ii + ··· + 10 m v k = b

has a solution (i.e. is consistent).


Let v 1 , v ii ,..., v m be vectors in R northward . The span of v i , v 2 ,..., five k is the collection of all linear combinations of v 1 , v 2 ,..., v m , and is denoted Span { five 1 , v 2 ,..., v k } . In symbols:

Span { 5 ane , five 2 ,..., v k } = A x 1 5 one + x 2 five 2 + ··· + ten k v thousand | x ane , x 2 ,..., ten one thousand in R B

We also say that Span { v one , v 2 ,..., 5 k } is the subset spanned past or generated by the vectors v 1 , v two ,..., v k .

The to a higher place definition is the outset of several essential definitions that we will see in this textbook. They are essential in that they form the essence of the subject of linear algebra: learning linear algebra means (in part) learning these definitions. All of the definitions are of import, simply it is essential that y'all learn and understand the definitions marked as such.

Equivalent means that, for any given list of vectors v 1 , v ii ,..., 5 1000 , b , either all three statements are true, or all 3 statements are simulated.

Figure 10This is a motion-picture show of an inconsistent linear system: the vector w on the right-hand side of the equation 10 1 v 1 + 10 two v ii = due west is not in the span of 5 one , 5 2 . Convince yourself of this past trying to solve the equation 10 1 v 1 + x 2 v 2 = w past moving the sliders, and by row reduction. Compare this figure.
Pictures of Spans

Drawing a picture of Bridge { five 1 , v ii ,..., 5 k } is the same equally drawing a picture of all linear combinations of 5 1 , five two ,..., v k .

Span { 5 } five Span { 5 , westward } v west Bridge { v , westward } 5 w

Figure 11Pictures of spans in R 2 .

Span { five } v Span { v , due west } five w v w u Span { u , 5 , w } Span { u , 5 , due west } v w u

Figure 12Pictures of spans in R 3 . The span of two noncollinear vectors is the aeroplane containing the origin and the heads of the vectors. Note that 3 coplanar (but not collinear) vectors span a plane and non a 3-infinite, only as 2 collinear vectors span a line and non a plane.

Interactive: Span of two vectors in R two

Interactive: Span of two vectors in R 3

Interactive: Span of three vectors in R 3


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